Elections Administration Committee

Paytan Murray

Hey Huskies!

I am very excited and honored to be announcing my candidacy for ASUW Vice President. I am a second-year student, currently serving as the 2022 Panhellenic President, with many years of multifaceted leadership experience behind me.

While ASUW exists as a resource for many, it is clear that numerous opportunities housed in the association are not being taken advantage of by the larger student population. If appointed, I will act with passion, integrity, and empathy to address such standards and invoke change moving forward.

In this role, I hope to:

  • Update the language of the ASUW bylaws so that they are more accessible for both students and employees, more specifically ensuring that racism, sexism, ableism, queerphobia, and other harmful practices do not continue to go unchecked on campus
  • Bring a supportive and enthusiastic attitude to meetings with the Board of Directors, while also establishing clear goals and subsequent action plans at the beginning of the school year, making myself available for individual progress check-ins.
  • Continue to work with the previous Vice President to steadily implement ASUW wide-caucuses, fostering more collaboration across the campus and within ASUW vicinities.
  • Develop a more approachable, participatory, and supportive culture by increasing the availability of resources and variety of student voices, working closely with the Director of Community Relations and Director of Programming.

While I have served as a senator in the past, I plan to bring in a fresh perspective that would more broadly serve ASUW’s ability to address students that do not normally take on ASUW-affiliated roles on campus. That being said, to reach all UW students and increase inclusivity, internal change is nothing less than imperative. I plan to support these conversations and advocate for students while working to dismantle practices that no longer serve our communtiy


  • UW Panhellenic President- 2022
  • Delta Gamma Vice President of Social Standards- 2021
  • ASUW Student Senator: Academic and Administrative Affairs Committee- 2021-2022

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