Elections Administration Committee


HFS Residential Life Campaigning Policy

Who do I contact before putting up posters in my dorm/apartment? Can I go door to door?

At our discretion, we post materials with content related to promoting a campus or UW community program, school, organization, activity or event in designated areas. An organization responsible for improper posting may subsequently lose the privilege of posting information or reserving rooms in University Housing.

Please read carefully and follow the instructions below:

  • All materials must conform to state and local laws and the policies of the UW and HFS.
  • Posting materials must be submitted to the Residential Life Administration Office for approval.
  • An organization responsible for improper posting may subsequently lose the privilege of posting information or reserving rooms in University Housing. In addition, any event improperly advertised, which utilizes University Housing space, may be canceled.
  • Posting materials sponsored by UW-affiliated organizations/offices (outside of HFS) and commercial advertisements may be posted in designated nonresidential areas (ex: building lobbies).
  • Once approved, postings will be displayed for up to two weeks or until 24 hours after the event.

Posting Requirements:

  • Materials should be no larger than 11” X 17”.
  • Make sure to include:
    • Name of sponsoring organization or office and its contact information
      Date, location and price of event if appropriate
  • We will accept 34 posters in total during our the academic year.
  • Postings should be submitted at least one week in advance of desired posting date.
  • Deliver your materials to the Residential Life Administration Office located in the HFS Central Office, Terry Hall or mail to UW Box 355605.

Please refer to this list for the specific number of posters allowed for each community:

West Campus (7 total)North Campus (12 total)Apartments (15 total)
Alder Hall (1)Hansee Hall (1)Cedar Apartments (2)
Area01 (1)Madrona Hall (2)Mercer Court (8)
Elm Hall (1)McCarty Hall (2)Stevens Court (1)
Lander Hal (1)McMahon Hall (2)Graduate Students (2)
Maple Hall (1)Oak Hall (2)Family Housing (2)
Poplar Hall (1)The MILL (1) 
Terry Hall (1)Willow Hall (2) 


State law prohibits the distribution of unstamped campaign literature through campus mail, including the residence hall system. Door-to-door solicitation or distribution of promotional materials by anyone who is not a resident of the residence hall, or by anyone for commercial or campaigning activities is prohibited.

Facilities Services Policy

Where can I put my campaign materials? Are there special rules for Sandwich Boards?

UW Facilities Services policy on campaign posters is simply that if any material hinders students or University activities, damages University property, or becomes an eyesore, that material will be removed at the discretion of the Facilities Services staff and at the expense of the candidate, if an expense is incurred. Some examples may clarify this policy:

  • Banners strung between buildings, streetlights, or trees can easily damage them. No campaign material may be posted on any buildings, flower beds, tree, shrub, litter container, light posts, etc.
  • A giant sign in the middle of the HUB lawn may interfere with a planned student activity to be held there. Campaign materials in the middle of other lawn or planting beds may interfere with planned grounds maintenance activities. Campaign material will only be allowed to be posted along pathways on campus and must be within three feet of the pathways.
  • A photocopied sheet posted on a stick is going to disintegrate in a matter of days in rainy weather. Signs proven to be an eyesore will be removed.
  • All campaign materials must be removed and properly disposed of by the Campaign Advertisements Removal Deadline. Facilities Services will charge for any campaign debris picked up after this date.
  • Chalk campaign signs will not be allowed on any surface during the elections.
  • Any signs that hinder pedestrian, bicycle or vehicle traffic or driver visibility will be removed.
  • Sandwich Board Guidelines are as follows:
    • All sandwich board signs must be approved and a permit assigned before they can be placed on campus. One week notice must be given to obtain a permit.
    • Signs may only be placed on campus during assigned times and at approved locations.
    • Signs may not be placed in locations that will impact pedestrian traffic or vehicle visibility.
    • There must be 5 feet of clearance around any sandwich board in an open paved area.
    • Damage to or loss of signs is the responsibility of the requesting department.
    • Signs may not be chained or cable-locked to University property.
    • Signs must be 24-36 inches tall and 20-30 inches wide.
    •  Signs may only be used to promote University programs and functions.
    • Permission to place signs can be revoked.

UW Information Technology Policy

How do I use UW technology resources appropriately when campaigning?

All holders of a University of Washington Net ID are responsible for using computing and networking resources in an ethical and legal manner. University policy prohibits account theft, file theft, violation of informational privacy, and penetration or harm to operating systems. If abuse of computer systems occurs, those responsible for such abuse will be held legally accountable.

When you use UW computing resources, you agree to the following conditions:

  • To follow the rules and regulations governing the use of UW facilities and equipment.
  • To respect the privacy of others by not sending them unwanted email messages, misrepresenting them when sending email, or tampering with their accounts, files, or data.
  • To use only your own user identification, to use it for its intended purposes, and not to share it with others.
  • Not to attempt to break a computing system or harass other people, either by developing programs for those specific purposes or by using already existing programs to do so.
  • Not to use university-owned computers for illegal purposes, such as unauthorized copying of licensed or copyrighted software, images, or files.

Email Guidelines

Your use of UW email should respect others and must not interfere with the operation of the computers and networks. Therefore, you are prohibited from the following:

  • Sending email to someone who has requested that you not do so
  • Creating, sending, or forwarding chain letters (messages that are forwarded many times to people who have not solicited the information)
  • Flooding another system, network, or user account with email
  • Obscuring the true identity of the sender of email or forging email messages

It is your responsibility to determine the purpose of an electronic mail list or news group before subscribing or sending messages to the list or group. Persons subscribing to an email list will be viewed as having solicited any material delivered by the list, as long as that material is consistent with the purpose of the list.

The following practices relating to email lists are prohibited:

  • Sending to an email list any materials that are not consistent with the purpose of the list. If you send messages not relevant to the purpose of the list, you will be viewed as having sent unsolicited email.
  • Continuing to send email to a list if the list owner has requested that you stop sending to the list because you are not following the guidelines or topic established for the list.
  • Harvesting email addresses from another email list in order to establish your own list. If a list is closely related to a subject you would like to initiate, it is permissible to post a message to the existing group, inviting people to sub-scribe to your list.
  • Harvesting email addresses from an institution’s directory or password file.
  • Subscribing anyone to an email list without the individual’s permission.

Telephone Solicitation Policies

In accordance with the Telephone Consumer Act of 1991, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a cold-calling rule. The rule establishing procedures to eliminate unwanted telephone solicitations to residents and regulates the use of automatic telephone dialing systems, pre-recorded or artificial voice messages and telephone facsimile machines.

  1. Time-of-day restrictions – No cold calls may be made before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. at the called party’s location.
  2. Identification requirements – Persons making cold calls must provide the calling party with the name of the caller, the person or organization on whose behalf the call is being made, and a telephone number and address at which the caller may be contacted.


ASUW Governing Documents (Abridged)

For more information on ASUW internal structure and elections . . .