Elections Administration Committee

2024 Ballot Measures

All Ballot Measures must be submitted by Friday, March 8th, 2024 at 5:00 PM. Please submit ballot measure applications to the Judicial Committee/SAO via the Microsoft Form on our Filing page by this date for processing. Petition signatures must be submitted to cmcoop@uw.edu by Wednesday, March 27th, 2024 for validation by the Office of the Registrar.

You can add your statement in support or opposition to one of the measures below by filing as a Ballot Measure Advocate!

Ballot Measure A

Do you approve the 2024 ASUW Proposal Constitution written by the ASUW Constitutional Reform Task Force and presented on vote.asuw.org/initiatives?

Francisco Dojenia | Ballot Measure Advocate

As the chief democratic voice of the student body, ASUW deserves a structure which will empower the students. The current ASUW Constitution impedes this task with its many flaws, which are detrimental to its work. The 2024 ASUW Proposal Constitution ensures that our student government continues to promote our ideals of advocacy, diversity, and inclusion on a grand scale while increasing its capacity to represent the people. This proposal decentralizes the authority of the Board of Directors, empowers the open Student Senate and checks and balances these branches with a fully developed judiciary. Furthermore, to fit the unique needs of the student government, the Electoral and Personnel branches are created as independent make ASUW more engaging, more representative, and more democratic for our diverse student community. Thank you!